I'm Iwan

I run coderfit.com and Gulenko GmbH, Reach me at iwan@gulenko.ch or +41 77 986 9000 anytime!<


I work in recruitment over 8 years; over 100 people reviewed my work on Linkedin, see:

Find more about what I do on coderfit.com


i do

My recruitment career started at Europython, I gave a talk on how to make tech recruiting suck less:

Here is another talk I gave at JSCraftCamp in Munich:

On evenings, I try to be social and you might bump into me on some meetups in Zurich.

I want to meet more people in Switzerland.

Do you live in Zurich?

Let's meet up!

Here's my offer: I buy you a coffee and we talk about whatever it is you're passionate about.

Tell me about your